Milton First Responders Foundation

“Supporting those

who serve”

“Supporting those

who serve”


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Register now for National Safety Council Southeastern Council’s Alive at 25 defensive driving course.

Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of completion to present to court.

About the Program

Alive at 25 is a highly interactive program that teaches young adults how to make safe, respectful and legal driving decisions.  Designed for drivers under age 25, the program teaches young drivers how to take control of situations by taking personal responsibility for their own actions, attitudes and driving behaviors.  This unique defensive driving program is taught by local law enforcement officers in a single 4-hour in-person class session and costs $50,  which is non-refundable.

Classes begin promptly and there is No Admittance after classes begin.

Please note, you MUST register and pay for the class at the SignUpGenius link below.

You must complete this process separately for each participant.

If you have any questions, please email: or

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Copyright 2024

Milton First Responders Foundation

Website by Donna Savas

Milton First Responders Foundation

12460 Crabapple Road

 Suite 202-202

Milton, GA  30004